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Alternative Business Client Gifts
by: ARA
(ARA) - It is customary for businesses to give gifts of appreciation to their clients and employees during the holiday season; one that says a lot about a company’s values, makes a real difference in the world and honors clients and employees is a gift to a charity in the customer’s name.

Dan Guzman, a broker in the Dow Jones futures pit at the Chicago Board of Trade, had great success with this concept, last year, when he decided it was time to show the public that traders not only have hearts, they understand others don’t have it so good. He suggested that his co-workers offer their support for the work of Heifer International, a nonprofit organization that provides farm animals to poor families in 48 countries around the world. He was overwhelmed at the generosity of the approximately 30 traders in the Dow pit who gave -- they collected $15,000.

“I call it the Dow challenge,” says Guzman. “The money you raise isn’t the most important thing. What’s important is the awareness you raise.”

Guzman learned of Heifer when reading about poor children spending all their waking hours hunting for food. He imagined his own nine-year-old in that situation and his heart broke. “It felt great presenting the check to Heifer International’s Chicago regional director, Rosemary Larson, on the trading room floor. I knew lives would be forever changed for the better,” says Guzman.

Bob Stiller, CEO of Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, had a similar experience. “I first became aware of Heifer International and the work they are doing to end world hunger when I received their gift catalog. I thought the symbolic gift of animals was a great idea and over the years personally used them to honor my friends and business colleagues. Last year, my office coffee division used the animal gifts for their best customers. The life-affirming gifts were well received by our customers, who told us this gift reflected our company’s core values,” says Stiller.

Heifer International is leading a response to the alternative business-to-business giving trend by creating its first “Most Important Gift Catalog in the World,” for businesses. Heifer makes it easy for businesses to convey their gift by offering special cards and a new book, called “One World, One Family” as fulfillment pieces. The book’s beautiful photos tell a story of lives that are changed through partnerships with Heifer International. To order this catalog, call (800) 696-1918, or go to To learn more about Heifer, the leader in world hunger solutions, visit

Courtesy of ARA Content

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Courtesy of ARA Content

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